Date Archived
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, towson, italy, mike schuh, nolan, toyota, joel osteen, maryland, marty, meade, goucher,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, towson, italy, mike schuh, nolan, toyota, joel osteen, maryland, marty, meade, goucher,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Anne-Marie Green. Film reports are used to launch studio debates on a variety of subjects. New. (Stereo)
Topic: dr. phil
Source: Comcast Cable
Topic: dr. phil
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Scott Pelley. (2013) New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: victoza, pelley, spiriva, yellen, scott, africa, seth doane, dallas, victoza, bob schieffer,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: victoza, pelley, spiriva, yellen, scott, africa, seth doane, dallas, victoza, bob schieffer,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, maryland, towson, bulger, ravens, wjz, baltimore city, katherine morris, reed, tim...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, maryland, towson, bulger, ravens, wjz, baltimore city, katherine morris, reed, tim...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, obama, tim williams, maryland, oakland, new york, washington, ravens, towson,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, obama, tim williams, maryland, oakland, new york, washington, ravens, towson,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: iran, washington, obama, bel air road
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: iran, washington, obama, bel air road
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. John Miller, Geoffrey Rush. (2013) Author Geoffrey Rush; author Donna Tartt. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: philippines, charlie, campbell, washington, whitey bulger, heather, navy, geoffrey, paul, toronto,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: philippines, charlie, campbell, washington, whitey bulger, heather, navy, geoffrey, paul, toronto,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: maryland, baltimore, ravens, gibala, baltimore city, mike schuh, toyota, don, harper, marty,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: maryland, baltimore, ravens, gibala, baltimore city, mike schuh, toyota, don, harper, marty,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Anne-Marie Green. News reports on current events. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: bulger, toronto, paul, kevin, washington, new york, fbi, kevin, whitey bulger, cbs, vinita, barry,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: bulger, toronto, paul, kevin, washington, new york, fbi, kevin, whitey bulger, cbs, vinita, barry,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Anne-Marie Green. Film reports are used to launch studio debates on a variety of subjects. New. (Stereo)
Topic: dr. phil
Source: Comcast Cable
Topic: dr. phil
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, maryland, beach, toronto, philippines, baltimore city, baltimore city, california
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, maryland, beach, toronto, philippines, baltimore city, baltimore city, california
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Scott Pelley. (2013) New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: california, scott, ferguson, pelley, missouri, humira, humira, bob orr, ryan ferguson, erin, virgie...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: california, scott, ferguson, pelley, missouri, humira, humira, bob orr, ryan ferguson, erin, virgie...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: ravens, maryland, baltimore, chicago, toronto, taylor, wjz, pittsburgh, poindexter, mars, derek...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: ravens, maryland, baltimore, chicago, toronto, taylor, wjz, pittsburgh, poindexter, mars, derek...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, maryland, kai, ravens, chelsea, chicago, oakland, taylor, philadelphia, baldwin, bulger,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, maryland, kai, ravens, chelsea, chicago, oakland, taylor, philadelphia, baldwin, bulger,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: maryland, bulger, baltimore, nasa, boston, oakland, erickson, ferguson, washington, florida,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: maryland, bulger, baltimore, nasa, boston, oakland, erickson, ferguson, washington, florida,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Source: https://wellmp3songs.com/download/get.php
Source: https://wellmp3songs.com/download/get.php
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: oakland, chelsea, maryland, ingram, alec baldwin, baldwin, whitey bulger
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: oakland, chelsea, maryland, ingram, alec baldwin, baldwin, whitey bulger
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. John Miller, Joe Torre, Malcolm Gladwell. (2013) Former New York Yankees manager Joe Torre; author Malcolm Gladwell. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: charlie, ryan ferguson, francis, ferguson, malcolm gladwell, mike schuh, florida, towson, maryland,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: charlie, ryan ferguson, francis, ferguson, malcolm gladwell, mike schuh, florida, towson, maryland,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, towson, maryland, baltimore city, mike schuh, toyota, ravens, tavon mason, vic carter,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, towson, maryland, baltimore city, mike schuh, toyota, ravens, tavon mason, vic carter,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Anne-Marie Green. News reports on current events. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: ferguson, campbell, new york, obama, bulger, clinton, starbucks, ryan ferguson, erickson, cbs,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: ferguson, campbell, new york, obama, bulger, clinton, starbucks, ryan ferguson, erickson, cbs,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Anne-Marie Green. Film reports are used to launch studio debates on a variety of subjects. New. (Stereo)
Topics: ted, maxwell
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: ted, maxwell
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: reed, vic, maryland, baltimore, ravens, baltimore city, houston, new york, baltimore city,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: reed, vic, maryland, baltimore, ravens, baltimore city, houston, new york, baltimore city,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Scott Pelley. (2013) New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: pelley, caroline kennedy, california, scott, texas, seth doane, levemir flexpen, canada, levemir,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: pelley, caroline kennedy, california, scott, texas, seth doane, levemir flexpen, canada, levemir,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, ravens, chelsea, maryland, vic, oakland, houston, reed, wjz, chelsea ingram, pat warren,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, ravens, chelsea, maryland, vic, oakland, houston, reed, wjz, chelsea ingram, pat warren,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, maryland, bob, chicago, jack, mike hellgren, ravens, kai, houston, philippines, boston,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, maryland, bob, chicago, jack, mike hellgren, ravens, kai, houston, philippines, boston,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: chelsea, oakland, washington, baltimore, jeff, spiriva, bob, quarry lake, cumberland, new york,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: chelsea, oakland, washington, baltimore, jeff, spiriva, bob, quarry lake, cumberland, new york,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: western maryland, chelsea, baltimore, marty, dzhokhar tsarvaev, don, tina krause, chicago, oakland,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: western maryland, chelsea, baltimore, marty, dzhokhar tsarvaev, don, tina krause, chicago, oakland,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. John Miller, Mitch Albom. (2013) Education activist Malala Yousafzai; AOL Brand Group CEO Susan Lyne; author Mitch Albom. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: charlie, iran, philippines, lyrica, taliban, heaven, detroit, maryland, scotland, haiyan, malala...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: charlie, iran, philippines, lyrica, taliban, heaven, detroit, maryland, scotland, haiyan, malala...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: maryland, toyota, mike schuh, don, ravens, gibala, western maryland, annapolis, kai jackson,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: maryland, toyota, mike schuh, don, ravens, gibala, western maryland, annapolis, kai jackson,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Anne-Marie Green. News reports on current events. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: washington, new york, miami, angie, philippines, susan mcginnis, chicago, los angeles, alexis,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: washington, new york, miami, angie, philippines, susan mcginnis, chicago, los angeles, alexis,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Anne-Marie Green. Film reports are used to launch studio debates on a variety of subjects. New. (Stereo)
Topics: Up to the Minute, Television Program
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: Up to the Minute, Television Program
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: dolphins, meghan mccorkell, oakland, maryland, navy, stephen ross, baltimore, john harbaugh,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: dolphins, meghan mccorkell, oakland, maryland, navy, stephen ross, baltimore, john harbaugh,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Scott Pelley. (2013) New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: pelley, manila, advil, iran, philippines, scott, scott, axiron, seth doane, tacloban, vatican,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: pelley, manila, advil, iran, philippines, scott, scott, axiron, seth doane, tacloban, vatican,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Scott Pelley. (2013) New. (CC) (Stereo)
Source: https://wellmp3songs.com/download/get.php
Source: https://wellmp3songs.com/download/get.php
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, ravens, maryland, chelsea, garrett, oregon, wjz, vic, fayette, allstate, jonathan...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, ravens, maryland, chelsea, garrett, oregon, wjz, vic, fayette, allstate, jonathan...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, chelsea, ravens, maryland, chicago, kai, monique griego, richie, ingram, bob,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, chelsea, ravens, maryland, chicago, kai, monique griego, richie, ingram, bob,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: maryland, chelsea, chicago, new york, iran, baltimore, navy, detroit, florida, mike schuh, bonnie,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: maryland, chelsea, chicago, new york, iran, baltimore, navy, detroit, florida, mike schuh, bonnie,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: ravens, chelsea, bengals, baltimore, walmart, ingram, ocean city, maryland, wjz, atlantic, fan cam
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: ravens, chelsea, bengals, baltimore, walmart, ingram, ocean city, maryland, wjz, atlantic, fan cam
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. John Miller, Patricia Cornwell. (2013) Goldman Sachs COO Gary Cohn; firearms experts Lucien and Michael Haag; author Patricia Cornwell. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: charlie, washington, enbrel, mike schuh, paul, navy, maryland, kevin, south baltimore, lyrica,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: charlie, washington, enbrel, mike schuh, paul, navy, maryland, kevin, south baltimore, lyrica,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: ravens, maryland, susan mcginnis, south baltimore, ted, bengals, nasa, baltimore, toyota,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: ravens, maryland, susan mcginnis, south baltimore, ted, bengals, nasa, baltimore, toyota,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Anne-Marie Green. News reports on current events. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: new york, iran, washington, cbs news, los angeles, china, miami, lamar, walmart, richie, wendy,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: new york, iran, washington, cbs news, los angeles, china, miami, lamar, walmart, richie, wendy,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Anne-Marie Green. Film reports are used to launch studio debates on a variety of subjects. New. (Stereo)
Topics: dr. sebagh, cindy, cindy crawford, new york, serum, france, creme, paris, shannon, sebagh, geico
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: dr. sebagh, cindy, cindy crawford, new york, serum, france, creme, paris, shannon, sebagh, geico
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: patrick, lisbon, maryland, ravens, florida, washington, sears, chicago, jane, california
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: patrick, lisbon, maryland, ravens, florida, washington, sears, chicago, jane, california
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Steve Kroft, Lesley Stahl, Bob Simon. (2013) Matthew Schrier discusses his escape from Syrian rebels; GoPro wearable camera; Henry Grossman. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: pelley, schrier, gopro, syria, gopro, houston, arizona, matt schrier, henry grossman, nick woodman,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: pelley, schrier, gopro, syria, gopro, houston, arizona, matt schrier, henry grossman, nick woodman,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. (2013) Chris Christie; Leon Panetta; Stephanie Cutter; Phil Musser; Amy Walter; John Dickerson. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: iran, iran, washington, chris christie, virginia, christie, bob schieffer, obama, obama, cia,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: iran, iran, washington, chris christie, virginia, christie, bob schieffer, obama, obama, cia,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Charles Osgood, Mo Rocca, Orlando Bloom. (2013) Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey; actor Orlando Bloom; Mattel headquarters; author Anjelica Huston; cat videos. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: mattel, anjelica huston, beijing, orlando, spiriva, osgood, new york, nicholson, london,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: mattel, anjelica huston, beijing, orlando, spiriva, osgood, new york, nicholson, london,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: ravens, maryland, baltimore, sharon gibala, tim williams, vietnam, philippines, oakland, china,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: ravens, maryland, baltimore, sharon gibala, tim williams, vietnam, philippines, oakland, china,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Source: https://wellmp3songs.com/download/get.php
Source: https://wellmp3songs.com/download/get.php
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: alabama, lsu, aj mccarron, nick saban, mccarron, tracy, fowler, zach mettenberger, alabama, auburn,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: alabama, lsu, aj mccarron, nick saban, mccarron, tracy, fowler, zach mettenberger, alabama, auburn,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Dave Karger, Will Sheff, Daniel Holzman. (2013) The USS Gerald R. Ford; Glen Berger; Skinnyfatties; Dave Karger; Will Sheff; Daniel Holzman. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: victoza, vinita, anthony, southern california, los angeles, geneva, elizabeth palmer, gerald r....
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: victoza, vinita, anthony, southern california, los angeles, geneva, elizabeth palmer, gerald r....
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: annapolis, maryland, baltimore, ravens, edward snowden, oakland, steve newton, steve, allstate,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: annapolis, maryland, baltimore, ravens, edward snowden, oakland, steve newton, steve, allstate,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, ravens, maryland, annapolis, chicago, ocean city, jimmy john, cincinnati, oakland, d.c.,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, ravens, maryland, annapolis, chicago, ocean city, jimmy john, cincinnati, oakland, d.c.,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: annapolis, baltimore, maryland, baltimore, navy, los angeles, walmart, south china sea, bengals,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: annapolis, baltimore, maryland, baltimore, navy, los angeles, walmart, south china sea, bengals,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Scott Pelley. (2013) New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: pelley, scott, usaa, steve hartman, davies, oklahoma, geneva, iran, iran, sudafed, leon panetta,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: pelley, scott, usaa, steve hartman, davies, oklahoma, geneva, iran, iran, sudafed, leon panetta,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: ravens, maryland, towson, annapolis, bengals, baltimore, ritchie, nasa, tim williams, scott pelley,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: ravens, maryland, towson, annapolis, bengals, baltimore, ritchie, nasa, tim williams, scott pelley,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, ravens, maryland, annapolis, toronto, nasa, cincinnati, bengals, philippines, baltimore...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, ravens, maryland, annapolis, toronto, nasa, cincinnati, bengals, philippines, baltimore...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, philippines, maryland, toronto, nasa, ravens, tim williams, washington, siberia, new...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, philippines, maryland, toronto, nasa, ravens, tim williams, washington, siberia, new...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: philippines, ravens, towson, tim williams, walmart, marty, hyundai, don, john kerry, tsa, iran,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: philippines, ravens, towson, tim williams, walmart, marty, hyundai, don, john kerry, tsa, iran,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. John Miller, Bill O'Reilly. (2013) Author Bill O'Reilly; former New York Yankees manager Joe Torre. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Source: https://wellmp3songs.com/download/get.php
Source: https://wellmp3songs.com/download/get.php
News/Business. John Miller, Bill O'Reilly. (2013) Author Bill O'Reilly; former New York Yankees manager Joe Torre. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: chicago, graham, washington, morley, paul, mike schuh, new york, ben smith, kevin, baltimore,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: chicago, graham, washington, morley, paul, mike schuh, new york, ben smith, kevin, baltimore,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Source: https://archive.zou.ma/details/WJZ_20131108_110000_Eyewitness_News_Morning_Edition
Source: https://archive.zou.ma/details/WJZ_20131108_110000_Eyewitness_News_Morning_Edition
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, annapolis, maryland, toyota, washington, gibala, marty, ravens, national pike, mike...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, annapolis, maryland, toyota, washington, gibala, marty, ravens, national pike, mike...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Anne-Marie Green. News reports on current events. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: washington, philippines, graham, new york, billy graham, iran, geneva, cbs, iran, teresa garcia,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: washington, philippines, graham, new york, billy graham, iran, geneva, cbs, iran, teresa garcia,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Anne-Marie Green. Film reports are used to launch studio debates on a variety of subjects. New. (Stereo)
Topics: dr. phil, cindy, lysol power & free pourable, lysol power & free, start healthing
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: dr. phil, cindy, lysol power & free pourable, lysol power & free, start healthing
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: maryland, baltimore, annapolis, walmart, new york, ravens, bengals, houston, reed, smith, mumps,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: maryland, baltimore, annapolis, walmart, new york, ravens, bengals, houston, reed, smith, mumps,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Scott Pelley. (2013) New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: haiti, u.n., united nations, scott, pelley, britain, scott, dr. scholl, advil, prolia, duracell,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: haiti, u.n., united nations, scott, pelley, britain, scott, dr. scholl, advil, prolia, duracell,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, maryland, annapolis, ravens, towson, fda, new york, pelley, georgia, fbi, baltimore...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, maryland, annapolis, ravens, towson, fda, new york, pelley, georgia, fbi, baltimore...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, maryland, kai, fda, annapolis, derek valcourt, fbi, pat warren, oakland, mary, ravens,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, maryland, kai, fda, annapolis, derek valcourt, fbi, pat warren, oakland, mary, ravens,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: baltimore, oakland, hagerstown, new york, fda, maryland, nasa, kendrick johnson, gaddy, georgia,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: baltimore, oakland, hagerstown, new york, fda, maryland, nasa, kendrick johnson, gaddy, georgia,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: oakland, ocean city, marty, martin, israel
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: oakland, ocean city, marty, martin, israel
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. John Miller. (2013) Founder and CEO Anne Wojcicki, 23andMe. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: charlie, russia, paul, fbi, kevin, enbrel, southern california, obama, grandma, advil, ariana...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: charlie, russia, paul, fbi, kevin, enbrel, southern california, obama, grandma, advil, ariana...
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: kennedy krieger, maryland, jackson, toyota, baltimore, gibala, ikea, don, towson, mike schuh,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: kennedy krieger, maryland, jackson, toyota, baltimore, gibala, ikea, don, towson, mike schuh,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Anne-Marie Green. News reports on current events. New. (CC) (Stereo)
Topics: chicago, texas, los angeles, sebelius, kathleen sebelius, miami, new york, tsa, tara, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: chicago, texas, los angeles, sebelius, kathleen sebelius, miami, new york, tsa, tara, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable
News/Business. Anne-Marie Green. Film reports are used to launch studio debates on a variety of subjects. New. (Stereo)
Topics: michelle, michelle knight
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: michelle, michelle knight
Source: Comcast Cable
News News/Business. New. (CC)
Topics: maryland, ravens, cleveland, orioles, baltimore, john harbaugh, dolphins, subaru, washington, navy,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: maryland, ravens, cleveland, orioles, baltimore, john harbaugh, dolphins, subaru, washington, navy,...
Source: Comcast Cable
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"WJZ-TV(Channel 13) was originally an ABC affiliate; it was the second primary affiliate of the fledgling network. Until 1956, it carried a secondary affiliation with the DuMont Television Network, and originated many Baltimore Colts games for DuMont. The Westinghouse Electric Corporation purchased WAAM in 1957 and renamed it "WJZ-TV". The WJZ call letters had previously resided on ABC's flagship radio/television combination in New York City, which changed its calls to WABC-AM-FM-TV in 1953. However, Westinghouse's history with that set of call letters went back even further, as it was the original owner of WJZ radio, the flagship station of NBC's Blue Network, which would eventually become ABC."
-The content in this collection is provided for research, educational and information purposes (at present no content is available for viewing.)Collection Info
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- true
- Addeddate
- 2011-01-07 22:19:06
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- Mediatype
- collection
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- This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code).
- Public-format
Animated GIF
JPEG Thumb
JPEG Thumb Large
Columbia Fingerprint TV
Columbia Sparse Fingerprint TV
Item Tile
- Publicdate
- 2011-01-07 22:19:06
- Sort-by
- -publicdate
- Storage_size
- 21.9 TB (in 1,491,482 files)
- Title